
Examining terrorism in the here and now

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With your July 14 editorial “Stick to the Here and Now,” you have performed a valuable public service by reminding your readers of the grotesque waste of resources involved in the absurd 18-year-long persecution of the L.A. 8. One can only wonder if the FBI agents and lawyers who devoted years to this legal farce might not have better served their country by checking out the internal FBI memos that called attention to the real terrorists who destroyed the World Trade Center.

Marvin Gluck



In its editorial, The Times again focuses on the 1987 L.A. 8 case of Palestinian supporters of one of the most radical and violent terror organizations. The editorial seems like an attempt to create friendly public opinion for the “peaceful” defendants after the London terrorist attack refocused the spotlight on Muslim extremists. The editorial did not mention the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine’s terror activities, including airplane hijackings, bombings and the killing of innocent civilians.

The fact that the investigation into the support of Muslim “charities” that showed involvement in anti-American, anti-Israel and anti-Western terrorism was very slow is related more to the unawareness of the authorities of these kinds of tactics and the charities’ sophisticated operations. It is not because of the FBI’s harassment of innocent and “peaceful” immigrants, as The Times implies.


David Shichor

