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* Reliant Energy Inc. of Houston said it agreed to settle all shareholder class-action lawsuits over alleged securities law violations stemming from its electricity trading activities from 1999 to 2001. The settlement is subject to approval by a federal court in Texas.

* New York Atty. Gen. Eliot Spitzer, broadening his probe of Wall Street practices, has subpoenaed Moody’s Corp., which runs one of the largest bond rating services, for information on how it rates reinsurers and mortgage securities.

* News Corp.’s 20th Century Fox said it would release movies, TV programming and other content on Blu-Ray when the high-definition DVD format launches in North America, Japan and Europe.


* Tapwave Inc. of Mountain View, Calif., has discontinued its Zodiac hand-held video game machine, bringing an end to a device that beat Sony Corp.’s PlayStation Portable to market but failed to capture much interest from game players.
