
Consider it a wake-up call

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I appreciate Lori Gottlieb’s article, “As Biological Clocks Go, His Is More Like a Travel Alarm” [May 26]. As a psychotherapist, I point out that the psychology community has noted the increase in learning disabilities. We also attribute this to older fathers, among other causes.

However, I named the disorder, whatever the result (older father, younger mother with a considerable age difference), OCS -- old coot syndrome.

Joy Oakes

Los Angeles


Thank you, Lori Gottlieb. Her article is the best I have read regarding my book, “The Male Biological Clock: The Startling News About Aging, Sexuality and Fertility in Men.” Men ignore this issue despite the fact that data in the last five years point to significant male aging issues. I think scientifically we have just scratched the surface. Her insight is fantastic.


Harry Fisch

New York

Harry Fisch is a professor of clinical urology at Columbia University.
