
Trading Shots Over Gun Proposals

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A letter writer (“NRA, Politicians Share the Blame for Rampage,” June 3) makes a good point. Maybe we should ban guns from California.

After all, I’m sure that someone who would commit the litany of crimes that Toby Whelchel (“Two-Day Rampage Leaves Trail of Death and Questions,” June 1) did would still give serious pause at the idea of obtaining a gun illegally.

But I’m sure that the more than competent federal government could find a way to completely cut off the supply of illegal weapons to our state.


After all, it has done a superb job at controlling illegal drugs and immigration. Oh, wait ... never mind.

Christopher Fisher



Re “Legislators Pass Bills Requiring Ammo ID,” June 3: “The gun industry said the proposals were impractical and would force weapons makers to either write off the huge California market or adopt practices that would greatly increase the cost of their wares.”

One can only pray for the former and rejoice about the latter.

Karen Snider

