
Medical Marijuana Ban Makes Little Sense

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Your June 7 front page inadvertently shows the schizophrenia of U.S. drug laws. While the federal government continues to wage war against marijuana, a drug people produce themselves that arguably helps many (“Justices Rule U.S. Can Ban Medical Pot”), it continues to allow tobacco to be legally grown and distributed by a huge cartel accused of criminal racketeering, despite the fact that this extremely addictive drug kills thousands of Americans each year and sickens many more (“U.S.’ Years-Long Battle With Tobacco Firms Nears an End”). While I’ve come to expect cruelty, illogic and injustice from our government in recent years, this takes things to new heights!

Stephanie Jennings

San Diego


The plaintiffs asked the Supreme Court to answer the wrong question in the medical marijuana case. They should have challenged the federal government’s ability under our Constitution to outlaw marijuana. Doing such is not an enumerated federal power. As evidence I point out that we had to have a constitutional amendment to enact the prohibition of alcohol.

Jim Dodd

San Diego


By banning the use of medical marijuana, the court has sentenced untold thousands with unbearable diseases to a painful future. Even more distressing is the fact that the lives of many ill people will be shortened by this incredible action.


What this has to do with aiding and financing “terrorist activities,” as this administration has stated, is beyond comprehension.

Let those who ruled on Monday walk a mile in the shoes of those they will cause a horrific future to unfold.

Albert Cohen

Sherman Oaks
