
The Jackson Case: Boos, Cheers and Questions

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Re “Jackson Acquitted on All 10 Counts,” June 14: Justice was served in the Michael Jackson case (though it is difficult to describe anyone as a winner).

Santa Barbara County Dist. Atty. Tom Sneddon mounted an “if there’s smoke, there’s fire” prosecution. He failed completely.

This was not, as some opportunists are claiming, the trial of a black man, or even of a superstar. This was the trial of a man who enjoys the company of boys and children in general, and isn’t reluctant for the world to know that about him.


If nothing else, Jackson has (unintentionally?) given us much to think about.

Gerald Jones

Los Angeles


The trial is over. The verdict is in. The mother is guilty.

John Manning



If you want to waste a few million dollars on a trial that can’t work, depend, to even the slightest degree, upon the testimony of a mother who allows her minor child to share a bed with an “adult.” Of course a jury made up of decent, intelligent, principled people found reasonable doubt and delivered a not guilty (and that does not mean innocent) verdict. They could not have done otherwise! I’m sure none of them, especially those with children, could believe anything the child’s mother said -- or did!

John C. Detwiler

Simi Valley


For the rich and famous, justice is indeed blind. First we have O. J. Simpson, then Robert Blake -- money and fame talked louder than true justice. Now we have the Jackson jury giving him the green light to sleep with young boys. How uplifting.

Lady Justice was blinded by tears of anger at the injustice of it all.

Ann Johnston

Thousand Oaks


Geez, you Southern California juries sure love your celebrities. Note to Phil Spector: Don’t let your kinky hair go limp with worry, dude. Chances are you’re home free!


Bob Canning



I find it rather curious that the terminology “celebrity” arose so quickly in the post-verdict discussion. To my way of thinking, when one thinks celebrity, one thinks of Brad Pitt or Tom Cruise or someone of that caliber. Jackson is a “post-celebrity” who uses every means at his disposal to perpetuate this fantasy that he is still the king of whatever as he becomes ever more the grotesque caricature of himself. It is sad that he can’t get on with his life.

Joe Sevenliss



One wonders if the journalists, rumored to number 1,000, who are now relieved of the historic responsibility to report every minute detail of the Jackson trial and the screaming fans might turn their attentions to some other areas of interest. Perhaps the body bags that continue to arrive in heartbreaking numbers from Iraq and Afghanistan might be a good place to start.

Harriet Glickman

Sherman Oaks
