
The road ahead needn’t be a lonely one

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Special to The Times

Nicole Bestard, 27, received a pair of running shoes for her birthday last year. She had never run before and “could barely get myself up to three miles.”

She hated running.

Despite her lack of enthusiasm (or perhaps because of it), Bestard joined a group called Team in Training to run the Long Beach Marathon and raise money for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. Meeting every Saturday in Pasadena, she slowly built up her endurance and finished the marathon five months later. She lost 20 pounds along the way and now plans to run her second marathon this Sunday.

Bestard speaks like a true convert: “If I can do it, anyone can do it,” she says. “Take it slow, and believe in yourself. That’s the most important thing.”


For those who have never run before, the hardest part is getting motivated. Even benefits such as improved mental and physical health might not be enough. For Bestard, anger over the breakup with a boyfriend got her out there; camaraderie and charity kept her going.

“The team totally motivated me,” she says. “I don’t think I could have done it without them. I would have burned out or gotten injured.”

Even if your ambition is limited to a two- or three-mile jog, joining a running club is probably the best way to get the support you need to start. There are dozens around Los Angeles that will coach new runners for minimal fees.


Pat Connelly, the official coach of the Los Angeles Marathon and its training program, the L.A. Roadrunners, teaches thousands of novices to finish a marathon within five months of taking their first jog.

Connelly advises newcomers to get a physical exam before they start and be sure to ease into a program.

“Most people that quit are over-aggressive and do too much too soon,” Connelly says. “Finish every session knowing you can do a little more.”


Connelly recommends starting with a 20-minute workout, jogging for just 30 seconds and walking for 2 1/2 minutes. Each week, add five minutes, and after reaching 45, extend the running interval to one minute, followed by a two-minute walk. Keep increasing the run-walk ratio and the total distance from there.

Bestard trained for her marathon by running three to four times a week, alternating between a three-minute jog and one-minute walk. She built slowly from 30 minutes to 45, adding two miles per week, from six miles up to a half marathon and, finally, 20 miles. She also mixed in some hill training and track work.

Before you begin, be sure to buy a good pair of running shoes, a water belt and a watch that keeps interval times. If you plan to run for longer than 45 minutes, “carbo-load” with pasta the night before and sip some water every 15 minutes during the run. Electrolyte gel packs are good for a burst of energy, and Bodyglide prevents chafing.

If boredom is an issue, vary your route to keep things fresh. The best running surfaces include gravel and grass, found on many running trails; the worst are cement and asphalt.

A beach might sound appealing, but running on the sand “is a no,” Connelly says. “The foot plants and digs in, and the extra strain can cause injury.”

Be sure to eat breakfast, and stretch your muscles before and after you run. Breathe through your nose and mouth; stand up straight; and relax your body completely when you jog or a buildup of lactic acid will cause cramps. It’s also important to take small strides and keep your feet under your hips to reduce the effects of gravity, Connelly says.


Sore muscles and joints are inevitable for runners, but ice and Advil usually will do the trick. Don’t take painkillers before you run, though, or you might mask an injury.

Bestard suffered shin splints and knee pain, but she pushed through it.

“It was the hardest thing I’ve ever done,” she says. “It’s like going through every emotion from total boredom to runner’s high, total elation to absolute agony. Every step hurt after mile 22. After 24, I kinda went numb.”

Crossing the finish line, where her ex-boyfriend showed up to cheer her on, “I was screaming, I was so happy,” she says. A month later, the pair got back together. “There’s a happy ending.”



Helping you put one foot in front of the other


Most running clubs in the Los Angeles area welcome people of all ages, and require little or no running experience. Here’s a list of some groups that can help you go the distance:

Los Angeles Roadrunners is the official training program of the Los Angeles Marathon. Coach Pat Connelly trains newcomers for just $6 per month. Group runs are held in Venice and Ventura. Go to


Team in Training will coach you to run the Los Angeles Marathon to benefit the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. Weekly runs are held in Pasadena. Members learn fundraising tips and are asked to raise at least $1,800. Go to



The L.A. Leggers, based in Santa Monica, trains people to run marathons as well as shorter races. The group goes out to breakfast after running together each Saturday. Call (310) 577-8000 or go to


Track Club Los Angeles generally attracts runners with some experience. The group meets at the Santa Monica High School track for weekly interval training Tuesdays and at a coffee shop in Brentwood for long runs on Saturday mornings. Go to or call Coach Eric Barron at (310) 471-8988.


Los Angeles Frontrunners is a running and walking club for gays and lesbians, as well as their friends and supporters. They hold an annual Pride Run and participate in other competitive and noncompetitive events. Weekly runs are held Tuesday through Thursday evenings and Saturday mornings throughout Los Angeles. Go to or call (323) 460-2554.


The Snail’s Pace Running Club has chapters in Pasadena, Laguna Hills, Fountain Valley and Brea. They have training sessions several days a week, races every month and social events such as trail runs and beach parties. Annual family dues are $50. Go to


The Los Angeles Running Club, also coached by Pat Connelly, meets several times a week in Santa Monica and at the Birmingham High track in Van Nuys. The group, which includes runners and walkers, participates in races, social events, recreation and travel, as well as community outreach. Go to


The Pasadena Pacers is a free running club that trains people of all levels to run 5Ks, 10Ks, half-marathons and marathons. The group offers preconditioning for new runners and provides snacks for everyone. Runners meet every Saturday morning. Go to



New Basin Blues Running Club has a loosely structured training program that meets in locations such as Granada Hills, Calabasas, Agoura Hills and Encino. Members meet for trail runs, distance runs and track workouts, as well as for pizza parties and charity work. Go to

To find another running club near you, visit: or /laclubs.html


-- Jenny Hontz
