
On a Budget Track to the Poorhouse

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Re “In Congress, Efforts to Structure Tight Budget Caught in Tug of War,” March 16: Although they often campaign on the promise to improve the budget by cutting government waste, few in Washington seem willing to address the largest form of waste: recklessly irresponsible, usurious budgeting practices.

Don’t try to tell us we can pay our debt off faster by spending less money on it now. If any financial institution officials told us that, they’d be hauled off to keep convicted ex-WorldCom chief Bernard Ebbers company.

Spencer LaVere Smith

Manhattan Beach


I cannot understand how supposedly caring and religious people can push for a budget that completely depletes the poorest of us, and creates, by expanding our deficit, much more poverty to come. How shameful, unkind, cynical and un-civic.


Florence Chapgier

Los Angeles
