
Rethinking Needed on Wolfowitz Nomination

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If Deputy Defense Secretary Paul D. Wolfowitz is confirmed to be the new president of the World Bank (March 17), in the interest of truth in lending it really should be renamed the World Domination Bank.

David Levy



How blunt and arrogant can President Bush get? By nominating Wolfowitz to head the World Bank, he once again sticks his thumb into the eye of concerned world citizens. The World Bank needs to balance the interests of big industry and the challenge of reducing world poverty and preserving the environment. As a right-winger, an architect of the unpopular war in Iraq and a champion of Big Business, Wolfowitz symbolizes all the wrong issues.

Clint McClintic

Palo Alto


This is the perfect time for the world to heed Bush’s call for more democracy and put an end to undemocratic practices at the World Bank.


Up till now the U.S. has called the tune and the world has danced to it and elected the U.S. choice as head of the World Bank. What a wonderful demonstration of democracy it would be if the other members of the World Bank said “No!” to Wolfowitz -- an offensively inappropriate choice, if there ever was one.

Paul Eklof

Costa Mesa


Since Wolfowitz failed miserably in calculating the cost of the Iraq war, I guess it makes perfect sense to put him in charge of the World Bank.

Ritas Smith

