
Chapter and Verse on Narrow Minds

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Re “2 Literary Giants Written Off,” March 18: I was astounded by the decision of the El Segundo City Council to reject naming reading rooms after Jack London and Agatha Christie. Quite frankly, I initially thought this was a period piece about the 1950s. To think that in 2005 such literary greats would be branded as unacceptable based on their political beliefs or country of origin is simply flabbergasting. The council should rethink what the phrases “traditional values” and “all-American” really mean. Is not tolerance the core value of Americanism? Are not libraries the sanctuary of enlightenment and learning? To take the council’s logic to its extreme, why not shut down the library altogether? This would be an excellent start to promoting the narrow-mindedness and intolerance that the council seems to be preaching.

Jonathan D. Kaunitz

Los Angeles
