
One megastar step in fighting poverty

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So who said Hollywood is a soulless, heartless town? Following in the footsteps of the Asian tsunami relief effort, many A-listers are lending their star power to “One” cause -- the Campaign to Make Poverty History.

A simple public-service announcement that began its rounds April 10 on MTV and ABC features the megawattage of Brad Pitt, Al Pacino, Jamie Foxx, Bono, George Clooney, Penelope Cruz and other performers and religious leaders asking Americans to participate in the One Campaign. “We’re not asking for your money,” Tom Hanks says in the spot’s closing. “We’re asking for your voice.”

According to its website,, the effort aims to “rally Americans -- ONE by ONE -- to fight the emergency of global AIDS and extreme poverty.”


The spot reminds viewers of the dire consequences of extreme poverty. Then it urges them to sign the One Declaration on the website as part of a lobbying effort pushing Uncle Sam to devote 1% of the annual budget (about $25 billion) to new and augmented global health and antipoverty initiatives. The campaign was coordinated by faith-based and antipoverty organizations, including Mercy Corps and Oxfam America.

And what’s a cause these days without a wristband? For a donation, the website provides white bands bearing the word “One.” But with all the star power involved, you’d think someone could have gotten Prada or D&G; to donate a design.
