
New fees for flying: Sky’s the limit?

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ThANKS to Jane Engle for alerting us to another airline problem [“With New Rules, It Pays to Travel Light,” Travel Insider, April 17]. The new luggage fees are a poorly disguised increase in airline ticket fees.

It is insulting to airline passengers to cite injuries to baggage handlers and flight attendants as a reason for the new weight limits. It’s clear that the airlines are desperate to generate new revenue sources.

The big question: What will they go for next? Fees for using the lavatories?

Ira M. Landis

Los Angeles


The timing of this article was too late for me, as I had just returned from a tour of Britain and Ireland, vowing to travel light with a 21-inch rolling bag. Delta Airlines allowed me to carry my small bag on board. On my return home from Heathrow Airport, Virgin Atlantic had a 7-kilogram [about 15 1/2 pounds] limit on all [carry-on] bags. My carry-on weighed slightly more, so I watched my cute red bag go on the baggage conveyer.


From now on, I will implement a Plan B, as recommended by Engle, by removing some of the contents and stuffing them into my large shoulder bag to qualify for the allowable weight.

Edna M. Tobias

Hermosa Beach
