
Different War, Different Time, Same Lies

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Re “War Is History for Vibrant Vietnam,” April 30: Hang on, this can’t be true. Vietnam is “vibrant”? Has a “flourishing economy”? “Social freedoms”? No, no this cannot be. We were told in no uncertain terms that if Vietnam fell to the evil commies, Cambodia, Scotland and Australia would be next and Ho Chi Minh in the White House. So we fed the flower of our youth into the meat grinder, and tens of thousands of GIs and countless Vietnamese were slaughtered for a politician’s lie.

Apparently the peaceniks and hippies were right; we now know the whole thing was a trumped-up deception. Sound familiar?

We’ve still got the same blood-soaked monsters stalking the corridors of power now as we had then, different names, same agenda. But one thing we know for sure: Those who started the war will be there at the end of it, more powerful and richer than ever, still spouting their pious platitudes behind self-satisfied smirks.


I’m not sure if there is a God, but at times I hope so because if there is, then there’s a hell and these people have a special place there.

Roy Soffe

