
How Do We Guard the Doors Into the U.S.?

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Re “Tough Stand Likely on IDs,” May 3: Does it seem ridiculous that Congress is charging the Department of Motor Vehicles with the task of securing our country? Certainly, the ubiquity of the driver’s license makes it a convenient check for identification. But how did the privilege of driving get so woven into the security of our nation that we can’t even decide as a state who can legally drive anymore?

If members of Congress want a national ID card, they should have the guts to create one. Instead, all they can come up with is threatening states with the prospect of denying airplane boarding to residents en masse.

Justin Leavens

Sherman Oaks


Why do we have to put up with the massive costs and intrusion of the Patriot Act not only undermining our Constitution and state laws but potentially requiring national ID cards and even longer queues at airports and other public venues, all designed to defeat terrorism that has killed roughly 4,000 U.S. citizens over the last 30 or so years, yet we’re essentially turning a blind eye to gun control when seven times that number die every year from gun-related injuries (according to the Centers for Disease Control)?


Ian Lawson

San Diego


Re “The ‘Browning’ of U.S. Politics,” Commentary, May 3: The article by Fernando J. Guerra has many truths to it. What he and others like him don’t like to mention is this browning consists of illegal aliens who are turning my U.S.A. into another country, especially in California and other Southwest states.

I am an American of Mexican descent. I am an American first and foremost. It really disgusts me to see what has happened culturally and in the workplace. To be so politically correct as not to mention the illegal flood in America is disingenuous at best and a blatant lie at worst.

Daniel Deavilan



Re “Easy Target, Cheap Politics,” editorial, May 2: When are your ultra-left-wing writers going to get it? California is being destroyed by the invasion of additional illegal aliens every day. The Los Angeles Times’ consistently pro-illegal-alien position has only hastened this destruction. Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger and a majority of Californians know that your position is wrong. It is preposterous to give driver’s licenses to lawbreaking border hoppers. The Minutemen are true national heroes. The “Los Angeles, Mexico” billboard is a disgusting insult to every legal resident. Placing water in desert crossing areas only encourages the endless stream of desperate people to leave their homes to either die or become slaves. That is not humanitarian.


Please stop trying to demonize the governor. Let him lead us out of the mess into which your paper has helped put us.

Larry Culbertson

San Juan Capistrano


Re “Talk Cap on Spending; Cap Talk on Border Control,” column, May 2: George Skelton may be right that an honest debate about illegal immigration is overdue. But he’s dead wrong that former Gov. Pete Wilson attempted that, only to be demonized by Democrats. It was Wilson who demonized illegal immigrants with shameful negative advertising and the use of code words to save his election skin.

He tainted his reputation for moderation and fairness, and forever tarnished his legacy in the view of many San Diegans, including myself, who had supported him for many years.


David Smollar

San Diego
