
This Is What Comes of Thinking Outside the Box, er, Booth

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You may recall that L.A. city’s voting booths in the March election inadvertently carried the multi-language instructions on the outside walls, many of which were crammed together -- out of view of voters (see photo).

Well, that problem has been dealt with in true bureaucratic style. For Tuesday’s runoff, reports election worker Peter Lee, the portable booths will have the instructions on both sides of the cardboard walls.

Mystery of the Day: A sign on a Beijing airport door puzzled Si Frumkin (see photo). Was it really reserved for wartime activities? Anyone have any theories about its meaning?


What’s in a name?: Adolph Amster points out that the golf course clubhouse at the Naval Air Weapons Station at China Lake is less than clubby in one respect (see photo).

What’s in a name? (Part 2): The crime log of the Laguna Niguel News reported a sighting of “an apparently scary male subject ... sitting on a bench near A Beautiful You store.”

Talk about cheap romance: Don Bush of Palm Desert spotted an offer from a restaurant that may have both bus boys and buss boys (see accompanying).


Ooh L.A. L.A.: Ralph Wiltamuth of West L.A. marvels at the alternative news that appears on some closed-captioned broadcasts.

For instance, he was watching a segment about a young man who found a purse in a parking lot and was excited about the discovery. But the caption said the man “found a nurse in the parking lot” and was excited about the discovery.

Gee -- thanks for the tip! The Thin Blue Line, an LAPD newspaper, recounted how one L.A. gang sent out fliers for a get-together at a park, instructing attendees to “bring your own high” (drugs).


Officers showed up too and arrested 14 gang members on drug, gun and other charges.

Stupid criminal tricks (Cont.): The Laguna Niguel News said that “a bike was stolen at the Wal-Mart, but someone dropped his driver’s license. Informant says subject that took the bike looks just like the driver’s license picture.” Stay tuned. I think we’re going to wrap this case up quickly!

miscelLAny: NBC funny guy Jay Leno termed the just-announced series of performances by the Rolling Stones the “Grateful We’re Not Dead” tour.

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