
Legislators’ Pay Raise Raises Some Questions

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Re “Legislators to Receive 12% Raise,” May 24: The state’s original decision to set up an objective, nonbiased committee, the California Citizens Compensation Committee, to determine valid salary increases for the state’s top elected officials was brilliant, and I applaud the committee’s latest decision to increase salary for our top legislators by 12%.

Legislators are not immune to the rising costs of gasoline, housing, food -- you name it. Like the rest of us, our top legislators are feeling the pinch.

My suggestion is: Expand the committee’s purview to include California’s teachers. Oh, yes, and police and fire workers and healthcare workers.


As a member of the teaching profession (though retired) I would find it heartwarming to turn over the decision about a fair wage for teachers to an independent, nonbiased committee. The enactment of my suggestion is only a matter of paperwork to extend the commission’s mandate.

Dixon Gayer

Huntington Beach


The Times reported that a 12% raise is proposed for the state Legislature even as workers are being asked to take massive cutbacks and layoffs, i.e. United Airlines terminating its pension and Northwest (May 24) asking for 26% in salary cuts. Talk about a disconnect between government and the governed!

Brian Sheppard

