
Lining up against Lieberman

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Re “Lamont Went From Zero to Favorite in 7 Months,” Aug. 6

As a lifetime Democrat, I would be happy to see Sen. Joe Lieberman (D-Conn.) go down in flames. He lost my support in 2000 when he stated, “The Constitution guarantees freedom of religion, not freedom from religion.” It is because of religion, religious hatred, that is, that our world is now in the throes of unrelenting warfare atrocities. Lieberman’s unwavering support of President Bush’s totally unnecessary war, a war that is going to end with Iraq being a theocracy instead of a secular state, is certainly the last straw. Bye-bye, Lieberman. Good riddance.


Huntington Beach


Connecticut is not my state, but the U.S.A. is my country. It is abundantly clear that Lieberman’s role as a reliable vote for Bush’s policies must end, and that the election of challenger Ned Lamont is a priority to send a message for November. Yet, in a stunning display of ego and arrogance, Lieberman’s proposed Naderesque quest as an independent only exposes his continuing intent to provide the Bush regime with a Connecticut Senate vote.



Rancho Palos Verdes
