
City’s legalization of illegal billboards

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Re “Council to settle billboard lawsuit,” Nov. 29

The article on the settlement of the lawsuit brought by billboard companies against the city of Los Angeles clearly illuminates City Atty. Rocky Delgadillo’s ethical negligence, as well as the City Council’s craven surrender to deep-pocketed media companies. For those of us working to try to combat visual blight in our local communities, this agreement is nothing less than a disaster.

However, the settlement also illustrates a fundamental problem that reaches far beyond this individual case. By meeting in executive sessions to approve an agreement that sets terms for the future regulation of billboards and other signage throughout the city, the council has completely circumvented the democratic process, which requires public input and debate on issues of public policy. Instead, council members walk out from behind closed doors and hand us a fait accompli that is, by their own admission, a product of fear of more litigation by these wealthy corporate conglomerates. This from people ostensibly elected to uphold the public interest.





How can 12 members of the L.A. City Council vote to legalize illegal billboards? Los Angeles is going in the wrong direction with this vote. Instead, city leaders, including the mayor, should declare Los Angeles a scenic city with scenic roadways. With this designation, no new ugly billboards would be allowed.

Newly enlightened city leaders could set up a fund for the removal of the existing legal billboards by gradually buying them out. The gained tourist dollars would in the long run negate the costs of removing L.A.’s tacky billboard sign blight.

Hopefully the mayor can veto this horrible decision to legalize the illegal billboards. Once these billboards are legal, it will take hundreds of thousands of dollars to get them down. Let’s say no to the billboard lobbyists and make Los Angeles beautiful again.



Agoura Hills
