
Put a tighter leash on domestic spying

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Re “Eyes on the ears,” editorial, Dec. 12

Privacy is something given to us by the 4th Amendment. Yet the president himself confirmed that the National Security Agency has monitored many Americans without court order.

So why is our government, whose job it is to uphold our Bill of Rights, violating this right? There needs to be stronger monitoring of NSA operations. The FBI, White House and all others involved admit to eavesdropping without court order, yet they cannot give us any type of report on how it is aiding their anti-terrorist efforts.

It is not comforting to know that the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act was implemented only to be ignored by the very government that put this policy in place. The NSA’s domestic surveillance program needs to have more regulatory controls, and if Sen. Arlen Specter (R-Pa.) and affiliated individuals are taking steps to implement policy to enforce these controls, everyone should support these bills.



Los Angeles
