
Boeing must be held responsible

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Re “Boeing says runoff rules too strict,” Dec. 12

Could Boeing possibly come up with any better way to flaunt its irresponsibility than by requesting a relaxation of runoff limits? And if the State Water Resources Control Board grants an amendment to Boeing’s permit, then we can add the board to the list of environmental slackers that have no doubt seen the warning signs of industrial waste -- waters too polluted to swim in, cancers, groundwater contamination -- and made a conscious decision to bend to business interests instead of the safety of local inhabitants and the land.

It’s time to get stringent with Boeing and hold it wholly responsible for its acts, effective immediately, and not on a timetable that is convenient for Boeing and ultimately detrimental to our coast and our citizens.


Los Angeles



I have no crocodile tears for Boeing. The company knew what it was getting into when it bought Rocketdyne. This is just another example of executive incompetence and the lousy corporate officers who are getting rich at the expense of Boeing’s shareholders. Why is it so difficult to get new faces in corporate boardrooms?


