
Mormon list seen as disrespectful

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Re “Wiesenthal removed from LDS baptism list,” Dec. 19

Simon Wiesenthal’s name appeared on the Mormon Church’s list for proxy baptisms. Well, the solution is simple: Develop a computer program that will not allow certain names to be added -- ever. Thousands, millions could be added quickly.

Rabbi Marvin Hier, the Wiesenthal Center’s founder and dean, said: “It is sacrilegious for the Mormon faith to desecrate his memory by suggesting that Jews on their own are not worthy enough to receive God’s eternal blessing.” Are Mormons so presumptuous to believe that Jews, who lived their whole lives as Jews, fought and suffered for their right to practice their faith and died perhaps because they were Jewish, might want to change their mind in an after-life ceremony? It’s insulting and offensive.

I don’t understand why Mormons can’t see how this desecrating practice (in the name of altruism) is disrespectful and hurtful to all Jews and their deceased family members.



Salt Lake City
