
They’ll roll with the good times

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Special to The Times

WHEN Long Beach’s swanky Basement Lounge opened a few months ago, it was intended to be a haven for live music, including jazz and blues. Except the customers had other ideas.

“As time was going on we found people were coming around 11, 11:30, and it turned into a dance club,” says Michael Vidal, one of the spot’s co-owners. “Our whole vision has done a 180-degree turn. We’re pretty much a lounge where people dance, drink and have a good time.”

For the record:

12:00 a.m. Feb. 3, 2006 For The Record
Los Angeles Times Friday February 03, 2006 Home Edition Main News Part A Page 2 National Desk 0 inches; 25 words Type of Material: Correction
Lounge’s phone number --The phone number for the Basement Lounge in Long Beach was incorrect in Thursday’s Calendar Weekend. The nightclub’s number is (562) 901-9090.

The decor remains sophisticated. The room on the lower level of the four-story Broadlind Hotel -- built in 1928 and now used as an apartment building -- features a state-of-the-art sound system, couches (that can be curtained off), warm lighting throughout, a wrap-around bar, red curtains in the back and a corner area accommodating a cluster of small plants. The setting’s intimacy seemed perfect for the upscale performances management planned to book.


But the diverse 225 or so people packed in on a recent Saturday night have other ideas. On the dance floor, there are moves that would make red-staters blush as typical club favorites like “Drop It Like It’s Hot” and “Crazy in Love” fuel the frenzy.

It’s a little like having spring break at the Blue Note. “ ‘Cause it is such an elegant club, there’s almost a juxtaposition of people having really a good time and dancing in this setting,” says Dennis Lluy, a partner and manager.

Lluy, who books the acts at Long Beach art center Koo’s, acknowledges being caught off guard by the party atmosphere. “It’s definitely lively. It’s been a surprise for us. But people really like having a good time here, and we’ve tried to make it a happy, positive vibe,” he says.


Customers say the Basement Lounge has met that criterion. “People are very respectful and it’s a good vibe,” says Trish Xavier, a regular who comes with her husband, Chris, every Thursday. “It’s a classy crowd.”

Carl Kemp, a 33-year-old businessman, is also a fan of the crowd. “It’s high-class come-as-you-are,” he says. “I don’t feel people worry about image.”

What keeps Kemp coming back, though, is the diversity. “You have everyone from South-Central to O.C., and I can have a conversation with a local or be on the dance floor all in one night,” he says. “You’re not required to sweat here, but you don’t have to sit down.”


Kemp is one of those who have spread the gospel about the lounge. As a result of the word of mouth, the venue, drawing clubbers from as far away as Agoura Hills and Corona del Mar, has surprised its managers.

“Our level of growth is astronomical,” Lluy says.

“We usually have 300 on Saturday, and this past Saturday we had 450 over the course of the night,” Vidal adds.

Having been taken aback by their venue’s success, management has scrambled to keep up. But now they are beginning to expand, instituting a new menu and extended hours. “It’ll be primarily healthy with everything fresh,” co-owner Mark Ahkavain says of the new menu, with items ranging from $7 to $12. The club also plans to offer live jazz on Sunday nights, beginning late this month.

Kemp, for one, says he’ll be there.

“Now that I’ve established a relationship with the people and place here,” he says, “absolutely.”


Steve Baltin may be reached at


Basement Lounge

What: Basement Lounge at the Broadlind Hotel

Where: 149 Linden Ave., B-100, Long Beach

When: 8 p.m. to 2 a.m. Thursdays through Saturdays

Price: Covers from $10 to $20

Info: (562) 902-9090
