
Bush revelation of L.A. plot follows his script

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Re “Bush Gives New Details About Old Report of L.A. Terror Plot,” Feb. 10

Who believes him? Whenever President Bush comes forward with “new” or “additional” information about events in the past that have direct relevance to hearings or questions being raised by the media, I just shrug my shoulders and say out loud, “I don’t believe you!” The timing of the revelation about a foiled attack in Los Angeles in 2002 is just too close to Senate investigations of the National Security Agency wiretapping program to be taken seriously. The president’s action only leads to less trust in what is being said.




So, L.A. Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa was miffed that he didn’t get a call directly from the White House before the president’s announcement that a second plot had been foiled in 2002. Who cares how he feels? That’s the height of political arrogance and self-importance. The announcement was a statement about history, not an imminent threat.



Westlake Village


As it has been said before, this administration is fearing us into submission. Disclosure of the plot against the West Coast in 2002 by the president is a clear example of how the White House uses information to its benefit. Now that the administration is up against the wall about domestic surveillance and the Patriot Act renewal, it discloses the plot. This is not much different from how it picked and chose the intelligence to justify going to war.


Woodland Hills



Regarding Bush’s disclosure of a planned attack on L.A. several years ago: Many people in California already understand that a terrorist threat exists in the world. What the president needs to understand is that the U.S. foreign policy of dominating the world for profit is at the root of these dangers and is making them worse.


Los Angeles
