
It’s Already Nominated for Name of the Year

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Whereas I agree with Grahame L. Jones [Feb. 6] that Houston 1836 isn’t the best choice for a franchise that wishes to attract Latinos as part of the targeted demographic, I must take exception to sweeping generalizations that are historically inaccurate and simplify an issue that is quite complex.

Among Texans of Mexican descent, a healthy percentage sees 1836 as the end of oppression from Federalist policies and the end of being subjected to a vile, cowardly dictator in Santa Anna.

Tejanos fought side by side with Anglo Texans for independence, a point of pride for Texans of all races.


To say, as Mr. Jones does, that all Texas Latinos will find this offensive is ludicrous: For Central and South Americans, the date is meaningless; and for Tejanos, 1836 is something of which to be proud.


Venice Beach
