
Picture is incomplete on hardships in Gaza

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Re “Gazans Not Feeling Very Free,” Feb. 14

The Times underemphasized the basis for the Israeli attacks on the terrorists in Gaza. What would the U.S. do if our neighbors shot rockets across our borders? What would the Russians do in similar circumstances? Should Israel sit still and accept the barrages of Kassam rockets as inevitable? Should there be no response to terrorism?

It is a pity that innocents suffer, but The Times must do a better job of telling the whole story.


Sherman Oaks



The Times would do well to educate itself and better inform readers if it wants to chronicle the hardships firsthand on both sides of the border.

The article carefully chronicles the hardships caused by collateral damage to homes and farms of Palestinians when Israel tries to protect its civilians, who are targets of Arab terrorism.

No hardship such as a sonic boom comes close to living in constant terror of being a target of Kassam missiles.



Los Angeles
