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While at one point being the “gay cowboy movie” might have hurt [“Brokeback Mountain”], right now I think that having that label is helping the movie. It is the politically correct choice. There would be more controversy about its not winning than its winning. -- MIKEM

Let’s face it, guys. This is an extremely strong lineup for best actor. Four of the performances are classics. I haven’t seen Terrence Howard, but everyone is saying he’s great. Compare this to last year’s slate. Is there one person alive who doesn’t believe the best actor noms were weak? -- SY

This year I would pick both [Joaquin] Phoenix and [Heath] Ledger over [Philip Seymour] Hoffman, but I have a feeling that Hoffman will win. Oh, well ... he’s a consistently good actor and it is nice to see him get some recognition but I still feel the other two are more deserving. -- STEERPIKE60


Best supporting actor is a two-man race between [Paul] Giamatti and [Jake] Gyllenhaal. [George] Clooney doesn’t stand a chance in this category. His only hope is for screenplay over Paul Haggis for “Crash.” -- STINGER

In adapted screenplay, I’d take out “Munich” and replace it with “Harry Potter” instead. Adapting “Harry Potter” is like adapting “Gone With the Wind” -- a million critical fans that have to be pleased, and an original book that is hundreds of pages long and has flaws that its fans don’t want to know about. -- MMEDEMONTESPAN

Has anyone thought that they may simply give [“Brokeback Mountain”] best director and screenplay but give the top award to “Crash”? This way ... they are satisfying everyone.” -- CINEMANIAC


Seriously ... if you had to sit there and think “Hmmm ... who did the best sound of the year?” wouldn’t you just almost get to the point of flipping a coin? -- STEVEO

Phoenix wouldn’t be a great surprise [for best actor] but am I the only person who heard those cheers for David Strathairn at the SAGs?


Amy Adams [“Junebug”] is superb! ... It is very rare for an actor to evoke an emotion that sustains your interest throughout the movie. -- OSCAR WINNER
