
The political battle over the Iraq war

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Re “Calling a truce in D.C.’s Iraq war,” Opinion, Jan. 10

I ask these questions: Is Iraq worth the lives of our American soldiers? Are we fighting terrorists in Iraq or insurgents involved in civil war? Will an American-trained Iraqi army support a democratic government or just overthrow the government in a coup once we leave? Will the newly elected Shiite Islamic theocracy join with its brothers in Iran? Will the Sunnis, having been in power for three decades, stop their suicide bombings of the Shiites and become citizens of the new Iraq? Will the Kurds seek to be part of Iraq or demand independence? Will a civil war break out in Iraq when we leave? Will we be in Iraq 50 years from today, as we are in Korea? If the present course of action taken by the president weakens our liberties at the price of our safety, is being in Iraq worth it? Is terror a global threat? Would redeployment of our troops to fight the war on terror make sense?

As the minority, it is the Democratic Party’s obligation to ask questions. As the majority, it is the Republicans’ obligation to have the answers.

If “we will stand down when Iraq stands up” sounds like a plan to you, you don’t understand the questions.



La Mirada


Leon Fuerth, former national security advisor to Vice President Al Gore, thinks that now is the time to call a truce. President Bush brought us this war wrapped in fantastic tales of nonexistent weapons of mass destruction. It is not time to call a truce, it is time to attack Bush and his insane war in Iraq.

Rep. John P. Murtha (D-Pa.) is correct. It is time to bring our troops home. Somehow, the Iraqis will muddle through without Bush’s inept help.



University Park, Md.


Four congressmen have told Iraqi political leaders: “Shape up or America will ship out” (Jan. 8). Because we know that Iraq will never “shape up,” at least by our definition of the term, it is only a matter of time before we will be shipping out.

And we also know that whenever that day arrives, the Bush administration will declare victory. So there you have it. One more war won. Rejoice!



