
Armstrong Story Tough to Believe

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In the June 24 Sports section, it’s reported that Marion Jones “made a triumphant return” to the track after struggling through a year of “doping allegations.” It is an article that is optimistic, without doubt and clearly focuses on her performance.

That same day, the front-page headlines scream “Woman Implicated Armstrong” and quote the wife of a former teammate of Lance Armstrong’s who claims, 10 years ago, to have overheard a conversation between Armstrong and his doctors in which he said he took performance-enhancing drugs. Like Jones, Armstrong has never tested positive, and has been tested more than any athlete in cycling or any other sport. So why the continued pessimism, the disbelief? Beating cancer’s not enough to motivate someone to greatness?

Aren’t we getting tired of these unproven charges and some people’s jealousy and refusal to accept that Lance Armstrong might just be one of the greatest athletes of all time? Let’s end the witch hunt.



Santa Monica


It’s surprising that the recent article about Lance Armstrong didn’t carry at least a comment about patient confidentiality. It would be absolutely inconceivable that a physician at an accredited hospital would be discussing such personal medical matters as described in the article within earshot of a bunch of people in the patient’s hospital room.

In addition, the article should have mentioned that Lance and his former teammate have not been friends for quite a few years, making one wonder about the motivation for these “revelations.”





Lance Armstrong was cleared of all allegations in the L’Equipe situation and the comments focused on in this article are from an arbitration hearing in which Armstrong already won ... four months ago!

The journalism here was as yellow as the wristbands that the millions of people Armstrong has inspired wear proudly.



Redondo Beach
