
The Democrats’ internal war

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Re “Strong Signs of Rift Among Democrats,” May 27

What “rift”? Democratic voters are strongly united against the Iraq war, among other policy failures of this reactionary presidency. If there is a rift, it is between frustrated Democratic voters and Democrats in name only, such as Sen. Joe Lieberman of Connecticut. They have, over the last three years, reliably voted to support this president’s disastrous policies in Iraq as well as a number of his horrendous appointments.

Even as President Bush’s approval ratings dip below 35%, these individuals cannot seem to muster the courage to consistently vote the will of their increasingly furious constituency. And for that, such candidates will pay the price at the polls. The irony is that Lieberman was swept into office by defeating a bold liberal Republican, Lowell Weicker; I have a hunch the folks back there would relish that choice in November.


Santa Monica



The use of the word “liberal” to describe those who challenge Lieberman’s position on the war sounds like a Karl Rove sound bite. There are many of us moderate Democrats who oppose the policies of Bush and the continuing occupation of Iraq. Moderate Democrats oppose Lieberman and other Democrats who will not admit that this was a war based on lies and that invading Iraq has not made us safer. I cringe every time I hear Lieberman’s support for the war because his words keep our sons and daughters in Iraq.


