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“Maybe Sparrow”

Neko Case

The animated video is exquisitely drawn and, for much of it, a sparrow is escaping a predatory owl. Case, or a younger version of the singer-songwriter, identifies with the sparrow, and flight takes on a significance greater than escape. In this message about holding out for hope and rebirth, it becomes a move toward self-realization, ultimate freedom and a defiance against forces that may conspire against us.


“The Israelites”

Desmond Dekker

Better late than never for a tribute to this great singer who died last month with what may be the quintessential rock steady track and certainly Dekker’s best-known. He is obviously lip-syncing in this clip from a UK television program, but he’s captivating all the same. The camera perambulates all over the set, catching beer mugs, pasty-faced English hipsters and lingering for a brief time on Dekker’s amazing two-tone leather pants. But there is no contesting the track is seductive with one of the most memorably infectious and danceable guitar-bass riffs in all of reggae.


“Daddy’s Gone”

Nora Keyes and Count Loachfillet

Keyes’ girlishly high-pitched vocal over what sounds like a moaning pump organ, whooshing winds and scratchy vinyl combine for an eerie track that sounds like something off the soundtrack for a Hammer horror film. “He is dead without a head,” the neurasthenic Keyes sings, like a Victorian child coaxing a nursery rhyme out of her scrambled brain while the hymn-like music stumbles onward. Count Loachfillet provides a tape loop of ... a scream? Feedback? Who can tell. But it is from the darkest corners of Mordor, that’s for sure. The source site for this download,, deserves mention for some of the most disturbing, mind-altering downloads and mashups you may ever hear.
