
Coulter’s salvo sets off battle

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TIM RUTTEN is a typical thin-skinned liberal, squealing in shock from Ann Coulter’s barbs [“Ann, Let’s Call It What It Is,” June 10]. Coulter isn’t selling pornography, she’s selling satirical humor -- and doing it with great success. Readers are buying her books because she’s funny. And why is she funny? Because underneath the hyperbole, she speaks truth to power. She’s popping the balloons of gasbag liberals, puffed up with their smug holier-than-thou arrogance, of which Rutten is the L.A. Times’ primo example. Liberals, accustomed to hearing conservatives satirized in movies, TV, magazines and books, are amazed anyone could do the same to good ol’ compassionate, diversity-mongering liberals. And, boy, it’s a genuine pleasure to see ‘em whine in pain.




WHAT we are seeing play out before our eyes are not the rantings of a sad and deranged author, but actually the “swiftboating” of perceived enemies of the current administration. Although most media response has been appropriately aghast at Coulter’s latest regurgitation of bile, they have debated her “point” back and forth. This will lead to her statements being legitimized, which is the idea behind her appearances.


This is merely the opening salvo of the GOP’s election strategy. By November, AM radio will be filled with scornful commentators referring to the “Bitches of Brunswick” and weepy mothers who disgrace their dead sons’ memories by daring to question the reason they are dead. Toss in a few snide comments about the “smoke-filled rooms” and the “union bosses” who negotiate labor contracts for our first responders, and the Rovian strategy will be complete. War will be peace. Our heroes will be our enemies. Orwell wrote it, we just get to live through it.


Newport Beach


IS Abu Musab Zarqawi looking forward to 72 Ann Coulters?





THERE’S an old adage in Hollywood that says “any publicity is good publicity,” and nothing could be truer in the case of Coulter as she continues to manipulate the Tim Ruttens of the world in her lame attempt to hawk her book and her narcissistic self. You can hardly pick up a newspaper today or turn on your TV set or your favorite radio station without seeing someone like Rutten interviewing Coulter and asking her the same questions about what she means when she bashes the Democrats, gays and lesbians, or anyone that she personally perceives will help fuel the flames of her hate and bigotry. Coulter has cleverly figured out how to become one of the right-wing “elite” spokespersons by making outrageous remarks or statements. Why hasn’t the media figured this out?


