
‘Marlboro Man’ Divorcing Wife After Dream Wedding

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From the Associated Press

The Marine dubbed the “Marlboro Man” after appearing in an iconic photograph from the Iraq war has filed for divorce weeks after dozens of Americans helped pay for a second, dream wedding for him and his wife.

Millions became intrigued with James Blake Miller, 21, after seeing the 2004 Los Angeles Times photo of the lance corporal taking a break from combat.

Miller and his wife, Jessica Holbrook, married at a county building in June 2005. But after he told a newspaper he wished he could give his wife the wedding she had always wanted, they received donations for a $15,000 wedding held June 3 at a golf course clubhouse.


By June 12, the couple was living apart, according to court papers. Miller filed for divorce June 20, saying the marriage was “irretrievably broken.”

Discharged from the Marines in 2005, he has post-traumatic stress disorder.

“I’m just sad for them,” said Eunice Davis of Pleasanton, Calif., who led the contribution efforts.
