
Hamas has shown its hatred of Israel

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Re “On Hamas, patience,” editorial, Feb. 27

Your editorial urges Israel to tread cautiously by not withholding funds to the newly elected Hamas government.

I don’t understand the rationale.

Hamas has sworn to destroy Israel. Even if it agrees to a truce, that is only a temporary situation. The truce only means a temporary cessation of violence until Hamas can gain the advantage over the enemy. It is a false peace intended to lull the enemy into weakness.

Why give Hamas the chance to arm itself? Would you encourage the United States to make peace with any sworn enemy? That would be suicide.


The Palestinians were led to believe that Yasser Arafat would give them either peace or victory over Israel; instead, their funds were secreted into private Swiss and French accounts, and their poverty only worsened.

Now you are counseling that the United States and Israel allow Hamas to moderate itself. We know that is not going to happen.





It is easy for us sitting here in our safe and cozy nooks to tell Israel how it should conduct its foreign affairs. One only has to visit that tiny state to realize its perilous position, surrounded by five hostile neighbors -- Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Lebanon and Jordan.

You have wisely pointed out that Hamas must renounce its intention to destroy the Jewish state -- the sooner the better. Israel has long lived with this same threat by Arafat and his many Arab supporters.


San Diego
