
Mahony crosses line of church and state

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Re “Immigrants Gain the Pulpit,” March 1

Roger Mahony, Los Angeles cardinal and pillar of the Catholic Church, is advocating breaking the law. I refuse to use his title before his name. He advocates that the church provide aid without immigration documentation even if that becomes illegal. He has even sent packets of information to his parishes instructing them on how to defy the law. My belief is that this country was founded on principles of law and order.

Mahony uses the law to keep from disclosing paperwork detailing the alleged sexual misconduct of his priests. You can bet his lawyers are being paid a pretty penny to stall this information using all possible legal channels.


La Crescenta



Mahony should be reminded that the church’s mission is to preach the word of God, not get involved in government in general and immigration policies in particular. St. Paul taught us that we should obey civil law even when it is unjust.

The cardinal would be better serving the church, society and the God he claims to worship if he properly addressed the issue of the pedophile priests in the archdiocese whom he continues to protect.


Los Angeles



As a Roman Catholic, I find Mahony’s remarks absolutely astounding and detrimental to those adhering to the laws of our land. To use the pulpit to preach this sort of venom, particularly on Ash Wednesday, is an affront to every law-abiding citizen.

He should also be aware that his instructions appear to violate the separation of church and state and thereby threaten the tax privileges enjoyed by the church. He simply cannot have it both ways.



Lake Balboa


Mahony’s claim that people who are willing to blow themselves up or crash airliners into skyscrapers would not trek through miles of desert to infiltrate the nation is simply idiotic. Did he inform his parishioners that in May 2005 an Iranian national was arrested in Mesa, Ariz., and charged with smuggling 60 Iranians into the U.S. across the Mexican border?


Woodland Hills
