
S. Dakota abortion law draws praise, flak

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Re “South Dakota vs. Roe,” editorial, March 8

The first thing that is very apparent from the first sentence of the editorial is that “pro-choice” does not mean pro-choice at all. It means “pro-abortion.” I am sure you would not allow people to call themselves pro-choice and then make the choice to save the life of their unborn babies.

News outlets keep promoting the lie that if Roe vs. Wade were overturned, abortion would go away. It would not; it would simply go back to the states. Roe vs. Wade was made out of whole cloth from what the justices thought they saw in the Constitution, and it needs to be overturned. South Dakota is on the right track.





I did some research and found that South Dakota’s Senate contains 35 members, three of whom are women; its lower house is filled with 70 members, and only 14 are women. It appears that the men of South Dakota’s legislature want their women subjugated, doesn’t it?

The fact that these barbarians would force a woman to carry a baby to full term when she had been raped or as a result of incest horrifies me.





Unwed mothers should be encouraged to relocate to South Dakota. Obviously, the state legislature and governor are pro-family and willing to foot the entire bill for children ages 0-18.





Unless the recent South Dakota law was meant to outlaw abortion only for poor women unable to travel discreetly to other states, the state legislature needs to consider building a fence to keep all women of childbearing age within the confines of South Dakota. Checkpoints at major roads and airports should be erected where women can undergo spot pregnancy tests before being allowed to travel out of South Dakota. Of course, exceptions should be made for women with letters from their husbands or pastors documenting permission to travel. Oh, and burkas and granny dresses should be banned so it is immediately obvious when a woman is pregnant.


Minnetonka, Minn.
