
Votes against McCain’s political tactics

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Re “Lone Wolf McCain Cultivates GOP Pack,” March 12

I would never vote for Sen. John McCain, no matter who the Democrats nominate, for one simple reason: His newfound ardor for President Bush indicates a serious character flaw. According to numerous media reports quoting McCain staffers, Bush’s campaign worked to defeat him in the 2000 South Carolina primary by spreading the lie that his adopted daughter is black (even if she is, the ugliness of the tactic is sickening). But McCain, in pursuit of the support of Bush operatives in 2008, has chosen to “forgive and forget.” I cannot imagine forgiving anyone who engaged in a racist attack on my child. That McCain does indicates that, for him, ambition trumps everything else. That is a character flaw I do not want to see in a president.


Chevy Chase, Md.



One can understand McCain’s toadying up to the religious right to win the GOP nomination. However, if he continues on this path and also now decides that oil and ethanol subsidies are OK, he will lose independents and Democrats who would otherwise vote for him.


