
A new use for tower beats demolition

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Re “Capitol Condos? Critics Hate the Sound of It,” March 16

I share the feelings of those lovers of Hollywood history who bemoan the concept of transforming the landmark Capitol Records tower into condos. After all, it’s one of Hollywood’s few remaining links with history. Not only did the Beatles spend time in this iconic building, but many great artists recorded in its famed basement studio, including Frank Sinatra -- who was known to invite the company’s secretaries to attend his all-night recording sessions there, as he wanted an audience, and would provide them with late-night ice cream treats to keep them awake. However, turning the building into condos would be better than the prevailing option, that of demolishing it. Better the building exist in some form than vanish altogether, as have so many of Hollywood’s historic treasures.


North Hollywood

Zollo is the author of “Hollywood Remembered: An Oral History of Its Golden Age.”
