
In defense of Cardinal Mahony

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Re “Mahony vs. Olivares,” Opinion, March 10

Good journalism always contains a healthy dose of cynicism. But when cynicism becomes an end in itself, it says more about the journalist than his subject matter.

Cardinal Roger Mahony deserves heavy criticism for his dealings with the victims of clergy sexual abuse. But when he defends immigrants against mean-spirited legislators, why question his motives as unsavory?

There is plenty of evil around for Gustavo Arellano to investigate. This time he is off the mark.





Instead of supporting Mahony’s Gospel-based declaration, Arellano calls him a liar. According to Arellano, in the 1990s, then-Archbishop Mahony opposed Father Luis Olivares’ attempts to help the city’s immigrants “at almost every turn.” This is far from the truth. I was appointed pastor of La Placita Church a few months after Olivares had to retire because of his illness. Although officially the church was not a sanctuary anymore, there were still about 250 men sleeping and eating in the church hall, living in the most inhumane conditions. There were no showers, toilets did not work, and most tables and chairs were broken. Cockroaches were visible by the hundreds, even during the day. It was a disaster area.

The Building and Safety Department told me that just about every code was violated and presented me with a $1,000 noncompliance ticket.


I was told to immediately remove all people living there or the church would be closed. This was the situation facing Mahony. Through his efforts, we were able to get real shelter for these men at facilities equipped to handle their needs.

Arellano says the cardinal “is just preaching to the choir to ensure his future.” Well, I can speak for the thousands of people who attended La Placita during the 12 years I was pastor. They all respected Mahony and loved him -- precisely because they knew his long record of standing up for us.

Olivares was my student in college, so I and the many others who have admired his work would like to see his legacy continue. We should be working to overcome the anti-immigration sentiments that shamefully exist in our nation today, and use every opportunity available to educate the public on who the Hispanic immigrant is. This was Olivares’ real goal.



Sacred Heart Parish

Prescott, Ariz.
