
Administration policy puts nation in peril

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Your March 17 editorial “Strategic errors” was substantive but wimpy. The Times is one of the few great U.S. newspapers that has taken a consistently rational position against the war in Iraq, and you should be proud. But your editorial is weak. You sound whiney with words like “moreover,” and “but it’s scary.” Where’s the meat? Pack in some muscle.

Your issue is that Bush’s strategic error may lead to a calamity in Iran that would dwarf the incomprehensible calamity in Iraq. Ironically, even Iran would appear to be afraid of the chimpanzee-like behavior of Bush and his advisors. Iran is promoting talks with us. They can’t help but see Bush as dangerous.

America is in peril. Bush is pushing an envelope to hell in his cockeyed National Security Strategy. The American people should beat down the doors of their congressional representatives and tell them to use their power to stop Bush in his tracks before he injures us irrevocably.



La Jolla
