
A senator holds Bush accountable

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Re “Debating Bush Censure Serves Dueling Purposes,” column, March 26

At last, a U.S. senator who’s willing to publicly express his dissatisfaction with the way that President Bush has been abusing his authority. Bush broke the law when he decided to ignore the civil liberties of the American people. His unilateral decision was contrary to the Constitution and to the will of the American people.

Republicans were eager to condemn our previous president for lying about personal issues that were none of their business. Now, when asked to hold Bush accountable for an affront to everything for which the U.S. is supposed to stand, they hem and haw and bend over backward to find some way to support him.


North Hills



I approve and applaud Sen. Russell D. Feingold (D-Wis.) for his courage in demanding that the president and his cronies be held accountable. I believe he does not go far enough. What we need is a war crimes tribunal.


Los Angeles
