
The ‘American Idol’ Winner Is ... Fox

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Times Staff Writer

As it finishes its fifth season atop the ratings tonight, Fox’s “American Idol” has become an ongoing phenomenon that’s transformed pop culture and the television industry.

The singing competition has actually increased its audience by double-digit percentages this year -- a rare feat for any established series and nearly unheard of in a fractured TV universe where the term “mass hit” has become all but extinct.

If the finale follows the current pattern, the face-off between prematurely gray crooner Taylor Hicks and Broadway-style belter Katharine McPhee will attract about 35 million viewers, a mark bested this season only by the Super Bowl and the Academy Awards.


And the impact of the program doesn’t stop with its regular Tuesday and Wednesday airdates. Fox has successfully used “Idol” to lure viewers to other programs that have been harvested into hits, including the spy series “24” and the hospital drama “House.” The program’s success has forced rivals to change their scheduling plans and made it almost impossible to get traction for new programs in midweek. Even established hits, such as ABC’s “Lost,” and special events, such as NBC’s coverage of the Winter Olympics, were swamped by the “Idol” wave.

Fox’s handling of the show could offer a blueprint for other networks on how to manage breakout hits in the rapidly changing TV landscape. In the case of “Idol,” that has meant limiting the show to seasonal runs, not overplaying its hand -- the way ABC did with “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire” -- and continually tweaking creative decisions.

Viewers are vested in the show because they vote on the outcome, and the “cast” -- that is, the contestants -- changes annually, keeping it fresh. At the same time, the host (Ryan Seacrest) and judges (Paula Abdul, Simon Cowell and Randy Jackson) on “Idol” provide an anchor of familiarity. But the producers have also fine-tuned the formula, for example dumping Seacrest’s co-host, Brian Dunkleman, after the first season. They also added more encounters between the contestants and popular entertainers such as Elton John, Stevie Wonder, Barry Manilow, Rod Stewart and the rock group Queen, some of whom used the show as a way to publicize new albums or introduce themselves to younger audiences.


“The show is going to be strong for years to come because it’s a formula they keep refining,” said Shari Anne Brill, an analyst at Carat USA, a New York ad firm.

“Idol” cast its shadow well beyond TV: After tonight’s show, the 10 finalists will hit the road for a musical tour; former “Idol” winners, such as Kelly Clarkson and Carrie Underwood, have released bestselling albums; contestants have gone on to fame and fortune on stage, including Diana DeGarmo, who just ended a popular run on Broadway as a costar of “Hairspray.”

The show helped popularize cell text messaging as a way for millions of viewers to vote for their “Idol” of choice, and it even spawned a movie satire this year, “American Dreamz,” which envisioned the U.S. president as an “Idol”-type judge.


For two consecutive seasons, “Idol” has made Fox the No. 1 broadcast network in prime time among 18- to 49-year-old viewers, the demographic most sought by advertisers. This season, ratings for the Tuesday performance shows have climbed 14%, to an average of 31.2 million viewers, according to data from Nielsen Media Research. The Wednesday results show, in which one contestant is kicked off after phone-in votes from viewers, is up 13%, to 29.4 million viewers.

Even Fox executives are stunned. “We were absolutely expecting that this show would age, as do most shows,” said Fox Entertainment President Peter Ligouri.

Other network executives are awed as well. When he rolled out his network’s new fall lineup last week in New York, NBC Entertainment President Kevin Reilly bowed to the power of “Idol” and added jokingly: “I think [next year] is the season the bottom falls out.”

Not much chance of that. Analysts cite several factors behind “Idol’s” popularity. As a pop-singing contest that steadily winnows a pool of thousands of hopefuls into one winner, it’s one of the very few prime-time series that contains no violence, and any sexual references are no more explicit than the occasional double-entendre (a few of the more colorful auditioning singers launch into profanity-laced tirades that are bleeped out, which led to some criticism earlier this season).

It can thus be safely viewed by the entire family, including young children. CBS has had some success in counter-programming “American Idol” with crime-oriented series aimed at older viewers -- most notably “NCIS” and “Criminal Minds.” But most competitors are reduced to waiting for the phenomenon to abate.

“What ‘Idol’ does is expose your weaknesses,” CBS scheduling chief Kelly Kahl said.

In stark contrast to ABC, which ran its game-show hit “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire” so often that viewers grew tired of it, Fox has conserved “Idol” to the winter and spring only, roughly duplicating the NBA season, which has helped build anticipation during the off months, turning regular programming into event television.


Meanwhile, the backstage antics of the contestants and the judges have become our national soap opera, a counter-narrative to the competition itself that helps keep “Idol” in the news. This season, for example, Abdul’s sometimes slurred speech, overly effusive behavior and bickering with Cowell led some commentators to conclude she was showing up for telecasts drunk. Gossips buzzed that Seacrest was briefly dating “Desperate Housewives” star Teri Hatcher. Last season brought allegations that Abdul had slept with a former contestant (she denied the accusations).

The situation has forced networks to make moves they ordinarily never would have made. Partly to blunt the “Idol” effect next season, ABC is moving a returning comedy, “According to Jim,” from 8 p.m. Tuesdays to 8 p.m. Wednesdays starting in mid-season. (“George Lopez,” another returning sitcom, will run at 8:30 p.m. after “Jim.”) The “Idol” results show will start at 9 p.m. Wednesdays. “Lost,” however, will stay where it is, at 9.

NBC has likewise been forced to play scheduling bingo thanks to Cowell and company. The network originally planned “The Apprentice” for Wednesdays but switched to Thursdays to avoid butting heads with “Idol.” This season, “Idol” played a key role in NBC’s decision to move two emerging Tuesday comedies, “My Name Is Earl” and “The Office,” to Thursdays.

CBS, on the other hand, has stayed competitive against “Idol” with older-skewing crime dramas, such as “NCIS” and this year’s entry, “Criminal Minds” with Mandy Patinkin. The strategy has worked because CBS, unlike its competitors, generally aims for broad audiences rather than just young adults, according to CBS’ Kahl.

“We’re not a pure 18-to-49 play like the other guys,” Kahl said. So even when young viewers flock to “Idol,” “there’s still a base for us to work off of. And there’s some within that age group who just don’t want to watch ‘Idol.’ ”

But the effect on other networks is nothing compared with the benefits “Idol” has given Fox. The program has had a halo effect on other programs, which have turned into hits thanks in large part to an “Idol” lead-in. This season, young-adult ratings for “House” surged 60% when the medical drama began following “Idol”; it’s now among the most-watched shows on television. “Idol” performed similar favors for “24” when the show’s ratings were still shaky. It has gone on to become a major player on Monday nights.


Of course, on TV nothing lasts forever, and “Idol’s” dominance will eventually end. Such a happenstance may be hard to imagine, but that’s only because no one knows where the next network hit will come from.

As Fox scheduling chief Preston Beckman said, “You can compete against any show. You just have to figure out how.”



‘Idol’ viewers

The audience for Fox’s “American Idol” has grown significantly this season as it has remained atop the ratings.

Weekly Nielsen ratings

(Millions of viewers)

*--* Week Tues. Wed. May 8-14 28.85 27.88 May 1-7 28.58 29.26 April 24-30 28.67 28.27 April 17-23 28.44 27.63 April 10-16 29.65 22.64 April 3-9 28.83 26.23 March 27-April 2 31.71 27.66 March 20-26 33.36 27.68 March 13-19 32.77 28.09 March 6-12* 28.56 30.38 Feb. 27-March 5** 30.09 29.64 Feb. 20-26 30.16 31.69 Feb. 13-19 26.96 28.78 Feb. 6-12 31.15 28.74 Jan. 30-Feb. 5 30.18 30.40


*Additional Thursday show: 26.62

**Additional Thursday show: 26.32

Source: Nielsen Media Research
