
Mahony’s actions in abuse cases

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Re “Church, state and justice,” editorial, Nov. 9

Thank you for your editorial regarding Los Angeles Cardinal Roger M. Mahony’s anti-Catholic stance on the sexual abuse scandal in the Roman Catholic Church. Do I feel he will listen to his boss, Pope Benedict XVI, who told bishops that it is important to establish the truth of what happened? No, I don’t.

Mahony has and will continue to hide the truth because it would reveal his guilt in this crisis. He will continue to spend the church’s money on attorneys and public relations, re-victimizing survivors who were abused by his priests under his watch.





I read with great interest your editorial regarding Mahony’s legal strategy in dealing with the abuse cases.

What I question is the moral and ethical strategy, or lack of it, that this man of the church has employed.

Although many abuses occurred decades ago, the real abuse continues for the victims. In fact, it has escalated to include our wives, children and family members, whose lives have been altered as a direct result of that abuse.


Perhaps the cardinal will stop looking at these cases as a personal attack and let the healing begin.


Huntington Beach
