A fashion that doesn’t suit everybody
THE article “The Suit Makes the Man” [By Valli Herman, Nov. 11] was another one of those stories pushed by the fashion industry about the “comeback of the suit.” The suit is a 20th century fashion that is finally on the way out, and the industry doesn’t have any new ideas, so they keep coming back with the old suit. It’s a ridiculous, uncomfortable outfit, and for those of us who had to always wear one to work through the ‘80s, ‘90s and part of the new century, we’re glad to be rid of it.
Business casual wear is the future; it’s comfortable and practical. The fashion industry should be building on that.
The suit, as is evident by your photos of the celebrities wearing one, has now become a costume.
I don’t see how you could have gotten through your article without once noting the effect of the NBA’s recent dress code changes. It is highly likely, in a world where NBA stars exert more influence on men’s fashion than the fashion industry itself, that the “rediscovery” of suits is due largely to that single issue.
Sorry to snipe, but it seemed like an oversight that is typical of the insularity of the fashion industry in general.
West Hollywood