
Driving Onward With a Hybrid Despite Outlook

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Regarding “Analyst Backtracks on Hybrids,” Oct. 5:

I read with dismay that analyst Philip Gott has changed his thoughts about hybrid autos and sees diesels as more promising. He didn’t speak with me, or any of the other hybrid owners with whom I speak. I couldn’t be happier.

Although my primary motivation for buying my Toyota Prius was environmental, I am enjoying my once-monthly visit to the gas station. I am getting 48 to 51 miles per gallon, and at $2.60 a gallon, my last tank cost me $25.

The next time you’re stuck in the parking lot known as the Los Angeles freeway system, especially during a SigAlert, consider all your fellow motorists and their idling engines, spewing out their hydrocarbons into our air.

Then think of a hybrid, whose gas engine will turn itself off as you creep along at 5 mph. Then consider the idea of filling up only once a month and the price of diesel fuel.


Arnie Moore

Sherman Oaks
