
Political capital? Lula and Chavez earned it

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Re “The right leftist,” editorial, Aug. 28

Most of your editorial that welcomed Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva’s almost assured reelection contained positive statements that could easily be copied and pasted onto an editorial praising Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez. Both are certain to win reelection because of the success of their strategies to alleviate poverty. It would be just as correct to state that “Venezuela’s president is respectful of democratic norms.” As you state for Lula in Brazil, the commanding lead of Chavez over his opponents in Venezuela “is greeted by policy wonks and fund managers in this country with a collective shrug.” The major difference is that the Chavez government has delivered much more for the poor. Improving the lives of the majority of the population is the most unassailable type of political capital, and both Brazil’s and Venezuela’s presidents have earned a substantial amount in recent years.


Merida, Venezuela
