
Muslim reaction to perceived papal insult

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Re “Pope Issues a Rare ‘Sorry,’ ” Sept. 18

Pope Benedict XVI regrets that Muslims misinterpreted his intent and were misguided enough to be offended by his words. He does not regret the insensitivity of his utterances, particularly coming from such a prominent Christian figure during a time of great volatility. Any moderately insightful speaker could easily have predicted the reaction. He repeats, uncritically, words that call Islam violent without acknowledging Christianity’s bloody history and waits for the angry reaction, thereby creating an opportunity to say “See how violent they are?” A cheap shot, followed by a whitewash and a “Who, me?”


Long Beach


So-called Muslim leaders spout anti-Semitic and anti-Catholic rhetoric on an almost daily basis in the Arab media. Not a single mosque has been destroyed in the U.S. in retaliation. Yet two Catholic churches were firebombed on the West Bank because the pope’s words -- words, not actions -- offended Muslims. I draw some obvious conclusions about each religion here.



Tijuana, Mexico


We are now witnessing thousands of Muslims all over the world rising up in massive street protests against the pope, who dared criticize Islamic violence. But why is it we only seem to see Muslims take to the streets to protest cartoons or words they deem insulting to Islam? Why don’t our Islamic brothers ever fill the streets with mass demonstrations against the slaughters in New York City, Madrid, Bali, Mumbai, London and elsewhere?


San Mateo



The pope underscored the record of Islam’s use of the sword to spread its message and violence to silence its critics. Muslims seem to be proving his point.


