
Journalism and profits: That’s the Chicago way

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Re “The Times, Tribune and the city,” Opinion, Sept. 19

I see where the future of our newspaper is going. Among the seven bulleted improvements to The Times cited by Tribune Co. Chairman Dennis FitzSimons were these: more color “to give readers and advertisers a more engaging newspaper,” “a new production facility

What about offering better salaries and a sense of security to attract and reward good reporting instead of rewarding advertisers with color and new ad-insertion machines?

How about holding on to talented writers by housing them in adequate facilities in D.C. and worldwide instead of state-of-the-art facilities?


How about increasing circulation by producing a paper equal in editorial quality to the New York Times that will appeal to potential buyers in Kansas, Florida, New Jersey and even former readers in L.A.?

I don’t buy the paper to stay up to date on carpet sales and the discounted price of mattresses. I read it for -- surprise! -- news.

And my loyalty to The Times will last only as long as the paper offers timely, well-written national and international news.



Santa Monica


Why is it that the plaintive letter from some Los Angeles civic leaders regarding drastic financial cuts at The Times, and the response from Tribune’s FitzSimons, remind me of the recent organized protests in Chicago about the Marshall Field’s takeover by Macy’s? I believe Macy’s left the Field’s clock in place, but Field’s is now Macy’s.


I hope a future Los Angeles Times masthead doesn’t read: Chicago Tribune/Los Angeles Edition.


Palm Desert


FitzSimons appears to be determined to make the L.A. Times the Chicago Cubs of the newspaper world.


San Dimas
