
‘Survivor’ and the survival of all

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Re “Can stereotypes survive ‘Survivor’?” Opinion, Sept. 19

With respect to CBS’ decision to allow “Survivor” to set up teams according to race, I agree with Joel Stein that it is a good thing to bring this taboo subject into conversations. However, Stein is wrong to suggest that race is a biological reality such as gender and age. Race is a social construction. In his final sentence, Stein meant to be funny: “If we’re going to survive, we really need to band together against the yellow people.” Unfortunately, there are many who seriously take on this attitude at a time when the world needs more examples of how people can apply their skills and ingenuity toward the survival of all.


Sherman Oaks


The new season of “Survivor” opens endless possibilities, such as “Armageddon Island,” where Jews, Muslims, Christians and agnostics compete for limited resources and influence. I guess that’s already playing on the news to lackluster ratings.



