
Terrorism report is a no-brainer

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Re “Spy Agencies Say Iraq War Fuels Terror,” Sept. 24

How could anyone not have known this years ago? Did the Bush administration think that invading an Islamic nation and killing tens of thousands of civilians would somehow mysteriously reduce terrorism?

Many Americans are puzzled that there is sectarian violence in Iraq. Shiites and Sunnis have been fighting each other for centuries. What did this administration think would happen when it dissolved the Iraqi army and police? Does anyone in the Bush administration think at all?


Sherman Oaks



The National Intelligence Estimate claims that the war in Iraq worsens terrorism. Yet, in the 1990s, when the U.S. was doing little militarily against terrorism, Al Qaeda grew as Osama bin Laden called U.S. soldiers a “paper tiger.” If we had not liberated Iraq, jihadists would find some other rallying cry. Two of the 9/11 hijackers even cited anti-terrorism efforts in the Philippines and Chechnya, and Serbian attacks on Bosnian Muslims, as motivations for their actions.

Precipitous withdrawal from Iraq would provide a morale boost for the terrorists like our retreat from Somalia did. It would be naive to conclude from the report that the way we can best insulate ourselves from terrorism is to cede the battlefield to Al Qaeda.



Redondo Beach


CEOs get fired for much less. How come nobody is raising the issue of impeachment? President Bush has seriously failed us as a leader.



Studio City


The report that the invasion of Iraq has worsened the threat of terrorism should come as no surprise. We have not yet destroyed the source of Islamic fundamentalism and terrorism -- Iran. This country has been responsible for fomenting and exporting the ideology of jihad, terrorists and the weapons that are used against free nations since the 1970s. Until Iran is dealt with forcefully -- the only method barbarians understand -- terrorism in Iraq and other nations will continue.


