
Silicon Valley riches do not a fulfilling life make

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The problem with the bored, young entrepreneurs is not their excess of money but their lack of values and sense of purpose (“Not the retiring type,” April 1).

Sleeping until noon, drinking beer with friends and having too much time for kite surfing are fine for a vacation but not for a fulfilling life.

As the parent of a special-needs child, I do my day job to support the family, then spend nights and weekends volunteering for a foundation to raise money for autism research.


If these people need help getting their priorities in order, send them my way. I can easily show them how to use their time and money to truly make a difference in the world.

Phillip Hain



The point missed was that if you want to be happy, figure out what you like/love to do. If you can do that, the rest is just doing it. Money is at best secondary.

The people in the article had plenty of money and went back to work. They went back to work because they liked/loved what they had been doing, and doing nothing did not fit that bill.

Masse Bloomfield

Canoga Park
